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Blog 4

Fencing Options for Construction Sites

Construction Sites Need Proper Fencing for Security and Safety

Our final blog for 2023 focuses on fencing options for construction sites. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires construction sites to constantly maintain safety and security for workers and citizens. One of the most effective ways to do this is with fencing. The type of temporary fencing used on construction sites depends on the project. Most of the time, construction sites will have one or all of the following:


  • Fence Panels
  • Privacy Screening
  • Barricade
  • Edge Protection



Fence Panels and Privacy Screens Provide Construction Sites Visual Barriers

Fence panels are generally made of steel and resemble chain link fencing. Tough to navigate, construction sites use fence panels to manage crowd control and increase security. You can have fence panels installed in various configurations, depending on the construction site requirements.


Privacy screens protect passers-by from dust and debris on the construction site. Many screens are tear resistant and don’t crack or become brittle in adverse weather conditions. You may also know privacy screens as fence screens, windscreens, and shade cloths. Both fence panels and privacy screens provide construction sites visual barriers, so contractors can work without distraction or disruption.


Use Edge Protection to Keep Tools in and Barricades to Keep Others Out

Often, construction sites use barricade and edge protection with other fencing. Its purpose is to prevent tools or small items from rolling out of the construction site. Underground construction sites and those that need to protect scaffolding will often use edge protection. Barricade fencing is not as heavy and usually shorter in length than fence panels. Barricades keep vehicles from entering construction sites plus prevent vandalism and theft


Get an estimate for commercial and residential fencing and handrails, by calling NRV Fence & Handrail, LLC, at (540) 392-8060. Our trained contractors will help you decide on fencing options for construction sites.